The only reason I’ve given up on my New Year’s Resolution already…


It might be hard to believe that I’m already giving up on a New Year’s resolution, but then again… maybe you’re right there with me. Seriously, it’s not even February and my life-changing commitment has already fallen by the wayside. But why? I’ve found the reason and if you’ve ever given up on a commitment, […]

5 Steps to Make Risky Decisions Less Risky

How to overcome fear when faced with a tough decision

Cliff Jump

I was about to jump… but the 50-foot drop to the rocks below caused me to pause. “Just step out to the edge and jump away from the edge.” My zip-line guide made it sound so simple. I’d just seen 6 others do it and walk away without a scratch, but now it was my […]

4 Horsemen of Apocalyptic Relationships

and how to overcome each one

Angry woman

I’ve had my struggles with relationships and I’m definitely no saint. Maybe that’s what led me to Dr. John Gottman’s research in the first place. Relationships aren’t easy, but that’s also what makes them so rewarding when they’re working well! What I appreciated most from Dr. Gottman’s research are the four predictors he found for […]

3 Steps to Overcome Procrastinating with Marshmallows

Part 4 of 4 - C.R.A.P. - You like how I put this one off until the end of the series?

Marshmallow Experiment kid

Why do we have so much trouble putting off the things we want, yet we have no problem putting off something we think will be work? The final entry for this series is the 4th and final mental hurdle we all deal with daily… wait for it… procrastination! We never seem to have trouble putting […]

Anyone Else Want to Eliminate the Anxiety of Indecision?

Part 3 of 4 - c.r.A.p. - Here's How to Overcome Agonizing a Decision

Cliff Jumper

Out of all 4 mental hurdles, I struggle with this one the most. Agonizing… doesn’t that just sound awful? While the label may sound worse than what it really is, it can still crush your forward momentum. Agonizing creates a total lack of progress for one simple reason… Perceived Risk! When we see the risk as […]

3 Steps to Overcoming Catastrophizing

Don't let a false future control today

frustrated salesman

You were expecting a call from your prospect yesterday and it never came. Immediately, the speculation in your mind begins to torment you. “What happened? Why haven’t they called? What did I do wrong?” Every question points you toward a feeling of loss. This is the voice of resistance and it’s your first mental hurdle. […]

4 Mental Hurdles Preventing Your Success

And how to overcome them!

CTC Book Covers

I was introduced to Don Sanders through a mutual friend at lunch one day. Don and his co-author had written a book called Cut the C.R.A.P. and Resolve Your Problems.  Kinda catchy, isn’t it! As psychologists they found that many of their patients could solve their own problems if they could just get beyond 4 […]

How can we benefit from stress?

4 methods to positively respond to stress

No matter what your role, as a leader you are expected to perform. I’ve had plenty of situations in my career where the stakes were high and I was expected to perform. Earlier in my career as a Business Development Manager, I remember my first contract negotiation where I casually showed up to represent our […]