Three Ways We Destroy Trust

What we can learn from the Prisoner's Dilemma


The police detective enters the room to question the first of two suspects. “Your buddy in the other room is going to have a chance to speak, just like you. If you confess you both did it, you’ll both get a minor sentencing. But… if you stay silent and your buddy talks… you’re going away […]

3 Steps to Overcome Procrastinating with Marshmallows

Part 4 of 4 - C.R.A.P. - You like how I put this one off until the end of the series?

Marshmallow Experiment kid

Why do we have so much trouble putting off the things we want, yet we have no problem putting off something we think will be work? The final entry for this series is the 4th and final mental hurdle we all deal with daily… wait for it… procrastination! We never seem to have trouble putting […]

7 Ways to Kill Your Company’s Culture

Without regular attention, we can all fall guilty to these

frustrated young man

My student pulled me aside during our break to ask me a coaching question with regard to her recent classroom presentation.  “When I was speaking, did you notice anything peculiar about how I was speaking?” When my students present for the first time, I often pick up on distractions in speech or body language, but doing […]

Three steps to a longer day

How to accomplish more with better choices

Accomplish more with better choices

Life happens at the speed of 60 seconds per minute and 60 minutes per hour. There is nothing we can do to change that. We don’t have control over time itself. We can only control how we invest it. So in a sense, time management is a false concept because there is nothing we can […]