Three Tools to Make Better Decisions

Star Wars First Order

We make decisions all day long. Some are simple (froot loops or cheerios?) while others can be quite complex (quit my job or stay?) Some internet sources say it could be as many as 35,000 per day, which obviously includes all the simple decisions. How can we get better at making the tough decisions without […]

How to Thank a Veteran on Veterans Day!

Advice from my cousin, retired US Navy, on what to say...

Brad Peterson Iraq

Taking a break from our leadership communication topic to say thank you to all of our veterans. This US Holiday is meant to thank those who have served or are currently serving our country. Don’t forget to thank a Vet this weekend. And, according to my cousin the Navy Vet, you can tug at their […]

Four Steps to Becoming a Better Coach

How to help your team reach goals outside their comfort zone

face to face business meeting

Providing constructive feedback to the people I coach can be challenging for several reasons. For my students, it can be difficult for them to receive feedback from someone they’ve just met! They know I’m going to point out areas in need of improvement. This creates feelings of exposure and vulnerability. Here’s how I approach the coaching in 4 steps. As a […]

The Authenticity Manifesto

Why do we struggle to be authentic?

Mardi Gras Mask

“Play it safe.” “Don’t risk too much.” “Don’t let others know you’re struggling. Just act strong.” “Fake it because you know you’ll never make it!” You hear that voice whispering to you? That evil voice? Yes, I said evil. It’s the evil voice that convinced you to wear that mask in the first place. What would the […]

To Sales Managers who want their teams to sell more

Are you giving your sales team what they need?

Closeup portrait of a confident businessman

You’ve probably heard the expression before… if people don’t get things done it’s either because they don’t know what to do or they don’t know how to do it. Good sales managers know that setting a goal (what to do) for the team is important to drive success. But the best sales leaders know there is more to it […]

How engineers should present to business leaders

... and business leaders should present to engineers!


“Can you help our engineers with their presentations? They’re horrible! They always bombard us with too much data.” I’ve been asked this question countless times by business leaders who sit through presentations from their engineering teams. The complaint is that the presentations include way too much data and detail. What needs to be done? There’s a […]

Build a slide deck you can be proud of

5 hacks to improve your presentations

Where's Waldo

In every Corporate Ovations workshop I deliver, I ask my students, “How many of you want me to show 125 slides full of text, then turn my back and read to you?” It’s no surprise, the response is always zero. Then I ask a follow-up question… “How many of you still see people doing that?” 100% of […]

Why some people almost always derail your presentations

and how to prevent it from happening!

Speaker presenting to a group

You know who I’m talking about. It’s that one guy who always seems to derail your presentation by first interrupting you. Then once he has your attention, he takes everyone down a rabbit-trail. “Hey, wait a minute… take a look at the numbers for the Southwest Region in Q2. How did that happen? Clay, that’s your region. What […]

One powerful secret speakers use to captivate you

...but you've probably never noticed

Peter Pan float in parade

The Disney World attendant reached out her hand toward my crying son and said, “Russell… will you come with me please?” Earlier we had asked about getting Peter Pan’s autograph and we were told he would not be signing autographs today, but he would be in the parade down Main Street USA. Peter Pan was […]

We weren’t Democrats, Republicans or Independents

We were all Americans

9-11 Quote GW Bush

On that horrific day 15 years ago, we were focused on one thing… saving human lives. Just like so many other life-changing moments, I still remember exactly where I was when it happened. I’m sure you do too. Each year on this day several thoughts weigh on my mind. They serve as a reminder to […]