The Fable Story Template and When to Use it

From Aesop’s fables to Jesus’ parables, we’ve heard these types of stories our whole life. The fable is both powerful and easy to implement. Here’s why you should consider using them the next time you want to focus on a truth and reinforce the core values of your corporate culture. Fables and parables are fictional […]

How and When to Use the “David and Goliath” Story Template

David and Goliath

Whether you’re Jewish, Christian or neither, you’ve probably heard the Biblical story of the shepherd boy destined to become a king. David was the shepherd boy who courageously accepted the fight-to-the-death challenge from the Philistine warrior Goliath, a man twice his size. It’s a classic tale of the underdog facing the champion. If you’ve heard […]

Here’s your “Best of 2018”

people talking presentation skills leadership

I have a passion for more effective communication and a passion to serve others. Writing a blog post each week gives me the opportunity to do both. In this week’s blog post you’ll get a list of the most helpful blog posts of the year according to you… the readers! I’m also making an announcement […]

The Springboard Story

How to inspire your audience into action

runner with ipod

The audience was loud and boisterous as they funneled out of the convention center. Their final speaker for the day left them all inspired and chattering about possibilities. “We could start by talking to our customers and ask them!” Then someone else responded, “I think we should figure out how we could scale this beyond North […]

Do You Want Your Data To Tell a Story?

Borrow this one storytelling technique to make that happen!

red riding hood

What is the most exciting part of any story? What’s the one thing that creates movement in a story? How do Hollywood directors like Spielberg and Howard make it impossible to look away? They do it by creating a sense of flow in the storyline. This sense of flow can be created with many techniques, […]

Lazy Speaker’s Approach to Audience Engagement

3 Simple tips to engage any audience

Writing man

I asked my workshop students what they wanted to gain from the class. The first student responded with,  “I want to be a more engaging speaker!” My initial response was delivered with a smile and a wink, “Don’t we all!” Of course, we certainly covered that topic in our class. To many peoples’ surprise, it’s […]

It’s not WHAT you say that’s most important…

Can you finish that sentence?


You’ve heard it plenty of times, “It’s not WHAT you say that’s most important, it’s HOW you say it.” I disagree with that statement. I don’t think the WHAT or the HOW is most important. What’s most important is “what they HEAR!” Too often I feel like the emphasis we put on speaking skills is […]

How Some Executives Have Ruined Presentations

and what they should do different to fix it!

Business Man

“Our executives don’t want us to tell stories.” After the student made the comment another jumped in, “No way! He’s right! You don’t ever want to tell a story to our executives. They hate stories.” I found the response a little sad and the worst part… this wasn’t the first time I’d heard something like […]

Are you Killing your Audience Softly?

3 Methods to Improve Your Presentations and Your Results

BrightCarbon Pic

The audience began to shift in their seats at the 5 minute mark of the presentation. So far the presenter had successfully bored the audience with 6 slides of solid text and a mouthful of insincere pleasantries. After 10 more minutes of words on slides and a presenter reading the slides, two people walked out […]

5 Ways Engaging Speakers Engage You

It's all taking place in your brain!

people talking

After the conference one of your friends poses the question, “Which keynote speaker did you like the best?” As soon as one person answers everyone else immediately jumps in and says, “YES! Me too! She was so good. Why do you suppose we all loved her so much more than the others?” I can tell […]