One Crazy Solution for Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking


His question was the most common question I get in workshops on public speaking. “How do I overcome the fear and anxiety?” He had no idea where I was about to take him with my answer. It’s a good question because most people feel something on the inside when it comes to public speaking. But […]

It’s not WHAT you say that’s most important…

Can you finish that sentence?


You’ve heard it plenty of times, “It’s not WHAT you say that’s most important, it’s HOW you say it.” I disagree with that statement. I don’t think the WHAT or the HOW is most important. What’s most important is “what they HEAR!” Too often I feel like the emphasis we put on speaking skills is […]

3 Ways to Know What Your Audience Thinks of You

Your clues are found in their questions!

Woman with questions

Ever wonder what your audience thinks of you? Have you tried your best to read their body language and facial expressions? What do they really think of you? Do they see you as an expert? Do they know you’re not? Can they see you’re nervous? The questions they ask might be your best clue. Here’s […]