Do you have the mindset to be a leader in a crisis?

Hurricane Harvey gave Texas its worst, Texas replied with...

During my college years, I’m ashamed to admit it, but I was self-centered. It was all about me. For an infant or a small toddler to think this way, you’d probably expect it. But, as a college-aged student, it just looks selfish. Not a great way to meet new friends. Since that time I’ve discovered two mindsets that determine your leadership effectiveness.

I’m definitely not perfect when it comes to applying these, but I know I’m in the process of improving because now I’m aware of my mistakes. Sometimes I’m only aware of which mindset was correct when I reflect back on how I handled a situation poorly. I learn, I apologize and I keep trying.

At a very high level, we can think about any situation through either an inward (read: “What do I get out of this?”) mindset or an outward (read: “How can this benefit others?”) mindset. I’ve learned to look at a situation and start with one simple question, “What can I give?” instead of “What can I get?” As I said above and I’ll say again… this is easier said than done… but I’m working on it.

The Inward Mindset

This one isn’t difficult to understand. At a fundamental level we’re all programmed with a deep desire for self-preservation. We’ll take tremendous risks if we think it will save our life. This is the inward mindset and when it comes to self-preservation, it’s really not a bad thing! Self-preservation isn’t selfish, it helps keep us alive! But, when the inward mindset starts to permeate all of our decisions, our resulting actions become more and more about what we gain and less about helping others. That’s when we cross the line into selfishness.

The Outward Mindset

The outward mindset puts others before yourself. This is the mindset of serving. This can be seen in the amazing acts of courage to help others. The amazing group of men and women in first-responder roles are applying their outward mindset.

Here is the interesting part about converting from an inward mindset to an outward mindset… the decision isn’t made in the mind! It has to drop from the mind to the heart. You see, the outward mindset is actually driven by the heart. When your heart breaks for others, it will overrule the mind. Once the heart starts driving the mind, the mind gets converted outward.

The Outward Mindset at Work

After college, I had been praying for a servant’s heart and God kept his promise, as he always does. (Ezekiel 36:26). I was deeply moved to serve others in need so I volunteered to lead a group of men each month to build a wheelchair ramp for a needy family. Forty wheelchair ramps later, it has helped others and it has helped my heart stay in the driver’s seat.

Right now in Houston and all along the Gulf Coast, families are hurting. Born and raised in Texas and also being a citizen of Houston for 8 years, I can tell you, Texans are proud. We pride ourselves on independence and strength, but I personally believe most Texans also want to be a blessing to others. While it may be hard for a strong, proud Texan to accept assistance, it certainly isn’t hard for Texans to offer a helping hand.

This isn’t just about Texans reaching out, it’s about all Americans. I think at some level, it’s a human thing. We’re made in an image. That image is one that has love as a foundation. None of us are perfect, but we’re all built on that foundation of love. This has been evident with the volunteers and donations coming from all over the country and world to help those in need. It’s an outward mindset. When the heart takes the steering wheel and the mind moves to the back seat!

I don’t think I’ll ever forget the videos on social media of the Cajun Navy from the great state of Louisiana, or the photo of SWAT officer Daryl Hudeck carrying Catherine Pham and her baby to safety.

Hurricane Harvey Rescue

I believe the foundation of love we are built on serves a purpose in our lives. It was given to us for a reason. That reason is a simple one. We were meant for relationships with others; and relationships can’t exist without love.

If you’d like to exercise your foundation of love for others, consider donating your time, money, or needed items to your favorite charity. If you don’t know where to donate, here are just a few of the quality organizations helping out with Hurricane Harvey disaster relief. I’ve personally donated and iSpeak has donated to ADRN, Samaritan’s Purse, and American Red Cross.


I’m so thankful for the leaders with outward mindsets helping others during this catastrophe!

Bless you all,

Russ Peterson Jr. Headshot

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Russ Peterson Jr. is the co-founder and Managing Director of iSpeak, Inc. – An award-winning professional development training company. Russ is a speaker, international trainer, and published author on Professional Sales Communication and Business Communication. He delivers workshopskeynotes, and personal communication coaching services to business professionals in the US and around the world. You can connect with Russ directly through TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn.

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